How to Pass your Project Management Professional certification Exam
with Confidence and on a Budget?
We identified a need for another type of training help for PMP certification exam candidates. Most books dedicated to PMP certification exam preparation are excellent at providing a large quantity of subject matter information and that is undeniably very helpful to candidates, for most of their learning journey. However, what we believe is missing training help from demystifying the kickoff to the final sprint of the PMP Certification exam process. Through these articles we aspire to fill this gap and coach students into a successful mindset.
Taking the first steps toward preparing for the PMP certification exam are often the most difficult for prospective students, and these article will provide expert guidance for a successful start. Additionally, as the exam date approaches, and candidates get ready for the final sprint, processing large quantities of new knowledge could negate previous efforts, particularly as stress levels increase. Therefore, we believe offering a different approach to the early and final stages of the process is needed. That is how this site came to be.

The “final sprint” before the exam is an endeavor of a different kind. In this phase, to be at peak performance, candidates need to manage stress; gain clarity and certainty about their training approach, knowledge and skills; and then visualize and experience success, which can be achieved by completing focused study work.
The articles on this site provide not only a frame of reference for subject matter mastery but it also supports skills and confidence building, both being equally important to pass the PMP certification exam. We aspire to guide students into a successful mindset by covering important aspects of certification exam preparation in a structured and well-organized manner, giving readers the best chance at passing the exam.
We have interviewed many PMP professionals. They share their certification experience and project management essential skills, typically technical PDUs (units of professional development) needed to succeed in a global environment and maintain the PMP certification. Readers will also find their stories shared by these PMP alumni, who have walked the same path and can provide answers to many of the questions and concerns candidates face. This helpful information won’t be found in other PMP preparation guides.
Candidates can use this information in the last week of preparation or even better, earlier, to plan ahead and know what to expect in that final week well before it arrives.
We hope this cost-effective training tool will help many students make smart choices; save time, effort and money; and ultimately achieve their PMP certification with confidence and on budget. Best wishes to all!
PMI, PMBOK, PMI talent triangle and PMP are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
We do not endorse or recommend any particular training or services. We provide information only which we hope are helpful.