Tips: PMP® Registration Process
As a project manager, you know the feeling of satisfaction you get when your team completes their tasks on time and within budget, ultimately resulting in a higher level of client satisfaction.
Well, in this registration process, you are your own client and you of course want the tasks all completed as smoothly and thoroughly as possible. You also need to manage your audit risk by making sure all of your listed experience is verifiable.
If you need some more professional vocabulary to highlight your job experience and in which process (initiating, planning, controlling, executing and closing) your role was standing, review these online “Talent and Skills” courses to get things as clear as possible (this course also qualifies for 35 contact hours of education in project management).

Once you’ve completed the registration process and been given clearance to schedule your exam, take some time to reflect on what would be the best time to sit for your exam. Keep in mind that you may need to compromise on both location and exam date. Once you have scheduled your exam, if you need to re-schedule, it may cost you rescheduling fees, so it is worth planning ahead to make sure your study plan is optimized for your exam date.
Refer to a post called “Exam Day”, for information regarding exam day preparation.
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