Most project managers certified with PMI certification need to report 60 PDUs per 3 year cycle

No worries. There are lots of options

implicit knowledge sharing for PDU credits
How to find ways ot keep your PMP certification

Beware, if you do not claim and report PDUs, you may loose your PMP certification.


Work as a PMP practitioner

Take an online course

Take a classroom course

Attend to a conference or meeting

Study a book, a whitepaper or an article

Write a course or training material

Volunteer with PMI

You may find more ways to gain PDUS simply visit PMI website

PMI, PMBOK, PMI talent triangle and PMP are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
We do not endorse or recommend any particular training or services. We provide information only which we hope are helpful.

Demystifying the PMP exam!